Saturday, August 28, 2010

My husband hunts..., while he hunts, Dillon and I visit home. Along with playing with cousins, feeding the horse, four-wheeling, and sitting on the front porch we get to...

...can apples from my grandpa's amazing apple tree. Nobody knows what kind of apple tree it is, but they are the best apples around!...perfect for apple pie and applesauce. By the way, this little gadget is a miracle worker; nobody in his right mind would can apples without one (believe me, I've tried). in my parents corn field, complete with a four-wheel ride from Grandpa. We also got to freeze some of this fabulous corn. I LOVE IT!

...and finally, visit the Kanosh park, but not before loading up on treats a the famous Kanosh Merc. Grandma always loads the kids up with penny candies and goodies, then we stroll onto the park.

There truly is no place like home, and Dillon loves it. Of course we wish Casey the best of luck with his hunt, which he has been anticipating since last August. With any luck, soon I will create a post showing off the big trophy buck, shot with his bow.

On a side note, did I mention that we saw Lion King at capitol theater...not really typical of Casey and me (especially Casey). I LOVED it! and what's even greater...Casey enjoyed it too!! I wish everyone could see it. The talent was fantastic, the costuming...unbelievable, and the entire show... phenomenal. We had such a fun evening out on the town as a couple. Have tickets? You won't be disappointed.


morgan said...

i know how you feel...i love going home. there is just something great about being back! dillon is such a cutie! he is getting so big! seriously, every time you post..i think kyle and casey are brothers! :) they love the same things! i have heard that lion king is amazing..maybe i'll try to convince kyle into going!

JaNae said...

LOVE the title of this post. I don't know why, but it just makes me laugh. :) Cute photos of you and Dillon! I can't wait to see you! Love you tons!

JaKe and NaT* said...

i'm so jealous that you got to spend a whole week in kanosh.. looks and sounds like you and dillon had so much fun together and with your family! my grandpa blad had one of those apple slicers and i agree with you they ARE the best things ever... can't wait for you to get casey back:) it was so good seeing you at the cedar/millard game it made my night! hopefully its not to long before i get to see you ya!

The Obergs said...

Wow Samantha, you are so domestic!

I'm excited to find out about Casey's hunt. I think that's pretty awesome that he bow hunts... that's serious talent. Good luck Casey!

P.S. Did I see in a deleted post that you are expecting again?? Congratulations, how exciting!

Hills said...

I am still adjusting to the whole hunting season . . so I have been at my mom's house quite a bit lately lol. Looks like you have found plenty of fun. I have been freezing corn and canning salsa, but apples sound so YUMMY!

The Burns said...

HOW FUN! I love that you blog! Such cute pictures...Dillon is getting so big. I miss you!!!

The Brad and Alicia Judd Unit said...

Sam! Dillon is such a doll! I looked at the pictures of him and Mae on my phone the other day and thought how much fun it was to watch him. I miss you guys, its fun to see your updates!

Christensen's said...

I didn't know that you went to the Lion King. I am jealous. Looks like you had fun in usual.