Tuesday, June 9, 2009

He's growing up!!

Time flies so fast! Next week Dillon will be four months old. He's starting to talk, roll over, and laugh (the last two happened by accident I think). Here are some fun pics!

This was the first smile caught on camera. Kind of fuzzy, but definitely a milestone!

Matching ties and a double chin!

I laughed so hard. Dillon was in the tub just minutes, because he doesn't really like it. I pulled him out, and he had the most wrinkly toes. I've noticed since that it only takes seconds, and those little toes just shrivel right up!!

This reminds me so much of Casey!

Grandpa Christensen with Dillon. This is where some of those good looks come from...

Dillon and Aunt Manda at Jens's track meet.

Last but not least...can you think of anything that would make Casey more proud? This basketball actual kept Dillon entertained for quite a while!!


The Obergs said...

Oh Sam, he is getting so big! I love that double chin. Hazel definitely has got that and more... sometimes I think it's a quadruple chin. I can't believe how much he looks like Casey, what a little sweet heart.

mandy85 said...

It looks like you have had a lot of fun and your little guy is so cute.

Christensen's said...

Very cute pictures! I can't believe how much he looks like Casey!!! I love the smiling picture! He is adorable!

Chris & Jennie said...

Sam, that was so fun to catch up on your blog and your lives! Oh, we miss you! Dillon is so adorable and definately has some "Casey look-alike" moments. And, your cake you made was beautiful! Way to go! Chris and I were just reminicing the other day about you guys, and our blessed trip to Cabo. Oh, that was so fun! Tell the boys hello --

Chad and Mandi said...

I cannot believe how big Dillon is getting. I LOVE the picture with Dillon and Casey in the ties, mostly cause Dillon is pulling a face that Casey would pull when he is being a dork! I feel like I have not seen you guys in forever. Please lets get together sometime soon!

JaNae said...

Hooray! A blog update from you!!! Dillon has grown so much! I don't think I fully realized how much he has changed, but seeing these pictures - it's crazy how big he is getting! I love his expressions!

I had so much fun with you on my trip! I love you so much! Miss you!

Nona said...

How cute!!! He is growing up so fast! Soon he will be headed to 1st grade and you will wonder where the time went (believe me I know). Well I am super excited that you can go to seattle--it will be a cozy/ crazy ride there, but once we get there it will be a blast!

Ostler said...

Oh my!!! He's so dang cute! He's growing up so fast!!! I love to see the pictures!!! He so looks just like Casey. We should come visit, and then I will hold your baby! :)