May was an AWESOME month! It started with my 23rd birthday and our anniversary celebration. Casey planned a weekend get-away to St. George. We shopped, went to a movie, layed by the pool, toured Zion National Park, and just relaxed. It was so great to go some where. We really hadn't done anything since Dillon was born. Dillon was pretty good to tolerate the whole thing. We drug him everywhere with us, poor guy, but we really had a great time.

This was Dillon's first real exposure to any sort of sunshine. So, we figured he needed the proper equipment. I loved this little ball cap, and he really didn't mind wearing it. However, the sunglasses we got to go with it are another story. We couldn't even get a picture of those because he hated them so much!

Then, for Memorial Day, Brady, JaNae, and Cambrie flew in from Chicago, and the whole family, minus Cleve and Amanda :( , went to Jackson Hole. Again, we played, relaxed, and toured the sites.

We made a special thought in Thayne WY for this picture. This is my dad's self titled town. Sure wish there was a town named Sam...

This is our self-sponsored birthday party. JaNae's birthday also falls in the month of May. Growing up we always had combined birthday parties, which might not have been much fun then, but we thought we'd do the same thing while we were together. So, we threw our own party ;) I don't know what everyone else thought, but I loved it!
Of course we had to tour Yellowstone while we were there, which was really a lot of fun! We decided to hike down to the top of this water fall, which was about a half a mile of switch backs. It was sunny when we started the trek down, but started pouring about when we got the brink. We basically ran back up the mountain. The adrenaline rush probably helped us a lot. It was a LONG, TOUGH hike! We were drenched when we got back to the cars.
The last night we went the Bar J Wrangler dinner/show. They are seriously incredible! I think Casey and I will definitely got to their show again when they come to Heber City.

River Rafting!! What a rush! Thanks to Dillon's awesome Grandma and Grandpa, who watched all the grandchildren, all of the siblings went river rafting. We loved it! The Snake River was nearing its peak in high water season, so we had some awesome rapids. The water was FREEZING! I was scared to death. The rafting company had us all suited up in wet suits, fleece jackets, and splash gear. We were prepared for the worst, but luckily all made it down the river in the raft. It was definitely one of the high lights of the trip!
After the weekend, Brady flew back to Chicago, but JaNae and Cambrie stayed for a little while longer. Look what we did!!! JaNae has been doing cakes for a while now. While she was home, she taught me how. I'll admit, I was pretty proud!