Monday, October 10, 2011

Dillon the Menace

Me: Dillon... did you color on the couch?!?
Dillon: ya mom... look... more color.

Then he proudly led me around to the other side of the couch where there was, yes, more color on the back of the couch.

A few minutes later (after a little Resolve and some intense scrubbing on the couch)... I found him here.

And this is what the carton of strawberries looked like.... one, just one, bite taken out of every strawberry.
He's independent... He just wants to do things his way, on his own terms. The scribbles on the couch were his masterpiece, and he didn't see a reason to bother Mom for a snack if he could just help himself to those juicy strawberries. His intentions were good.... although I'll be the first to admit that's not always the case :). He'll figure it all out someday....
Will he soon have a partner in crime?? I sure hope not :) But aren't they both sweet?


Thayne and Kimberlynn said...

Samantha, What darling children, and will we ever get them figured out? I think not, but life is a journey.. You are such a good mommy, lucky little children.

Tatum said...

Too Cute!!

JaKe and NaT* said...

oh my gosh how funny was that! I dread the days when pais learns/ likes to color..oh boy! Thats so funny bout the strawberries that boy!

Mandy said...

Well at least he admits to his messes. When Gavin was little he colored on the walls and told me it wasn't him the funny thing is he was still holding the crayon.