Thursday, April 8, 2010

I don't deserve to be called a blogger anymore...

I can't believe it has been six months since I've posted. I probably still wouldn't be posting, but I wanted all my family (especially the ones who live far away) to see these pics. Dillon is just over a year now! Can't believe how fast time flies.

Everything else is great! I only have three more weeks of student teaching until I get my degree! HOORAY!! I thought the day would never come! I don't think I'll do anything for weeks after I'm finished except sit on my couch, watch movies, and eat bon bons (oh, and probably lay out at the pool)...
Anyway, until next time... happy spring from the soon to be college grad!!!

I love this one above! He looks so sneaky...

These were the only smile pics we got. The last thing Dillon wanted to do was sit still so someone could take his picture.

Above is Dillon's "I'm in trouble" face;)


morgan said...

Oh wow! I can't believe how big he is! Congrats on almost graduating! That is so exciting! I'm glad you finally updated! :)

Luke and Mariah said...

I'm so happy you posted! Yea! And Dillon is a little boy now!! So crazy!! He's so stinkin adorable. It was so great to see you guys a while ago. We need to plan a group reunion every year. Well take care and I hope you post again soon!!

Chad and Mandi said...

He is just so stinkin cute! We enjoyed his phone call the other day. I hope he gave you the cute little "I am in trouble" look afterward! Congrats to the graduate! You have definately earned it. I admire your drive to keep going despite the road blocks. Woo Hoo!

April Hutchins said...

Sam he is so cute!!! Isn't it crazy how time flies!

mandy85 said...

He is so dang cute. I know how time just gets away for like weeks at a time.

Kristin said...

YAY an update! And even more YAY that you are graduating! You should be so proud of yourself. :)

JaKe and NaT* said...

seriously sam he is a DOLL!! i could stare at him 24/7... also congrats on almost being done!! how exciting for you.. that will be so fun! how is that running goin??

Tati said...

Oh my gosh you DO still live! haha. Dillon is adorable and oh so big! Congrats on student teaching and all. Shoot me an email some time so we can catch up!

JaNae said...

A POST! A POST! I can hardly believe my eyes!!! :)

Dillon has changed SOOO much! I can't believe how much he has grown, and he even seems to look more like Casey, if that was even possible. :) He is adorable! I miss him.

I'm so excited for you to be done with student teaching and to have your degree. You'd better add to that list of things to do after graduation "talking on the phone with my sister in Chicago for endless hours!"

I love you tons! Miss you!

The Burns said...

OMGOSH! He is just a little Casey with his mom's pretty hair and eyes! I just want to squeeze him....I MISS YOU! 3 more weeks, 3 more weeks...can't wait to see graduation pics! I love you sammy!

Christensen's said...

Cutest pictures ever! I love that little guy. While you are laying out at the pool don't forget to invite us! I can't believe you are going to be done with your student teaching so soon!

Unknown said...

Sam - he looks so stinkin' adorable!

Congrats on graduating - thats such a great accomplishment, way to go!!

AND...we need to get together soon, or at least talk! It's been too long...I miss you.