I am a horrible, horrible swimmer. I LOVE the water, and I can stay afloat, but it's nothing to boast about. Casey has even tried to teach me how to swim, with no success. I'm hoping my children will be more like Casey in this way (and many others :) ). My friend Jennie told me about a "mommy and me" swim class. Nothing completes the summer like swim lessons right? It was perfect. I loved it. Dillon loved it. And even Hazel didn't mind too much.
His teacher was super cute. We mostly sang songs and played in the water for a half hour every day for two weeks. Sure... it was kind of like being in a wrestling match in the water for a half hour (Dillon's a maniac), but it definitely made him more comfortable with water. He plunges into the water without thinking twice now (even if I'm not there to catch him. yikes!)

The pool was just a private pool in the back of someone's yard. It was beautiful!

Dillon LOVED jumping off the diving board, and I really loved Bonnie, his teacher.

These are the kiddos in the class: Dillon, Kate, and Milly.

And these are the cute babies that just sat at the edge of the pool, watching us sing songs. They were really good sports about it all.